Species recovery program

 The Species Recovery Program is studying 56 species of plants that are representative of the special habitats we have in the Arnside & Silverdale Natural Landscape. Up to 10 plants of each species will be followed for 5 years. In addition we will be doing some monitoring of the 795 native/neophyte species (not counting subspecies or garden escapes) recorded in our area.  Families such as Taraxacums, (Dandelions), with over 100 distinct species in our area have been put together as a single species eg taraxacum spp.  The links below allow you to download or print the pdfs we are using for the project and follow our progress. If you would like to join in please contact Helen Rawlinson at the Arnside and Silverdale National Landscape unit email helen@arnsidesilverdaleaonb.org.uk


Links: Click on the first few words of any of the following to follow the link.


Special Species by habitat and scientific name (56 species)       

Special species Sites still needed (uploaded 6th May 24)


Summary of data from the 795 species we will be following


A4 Recording sheet all 797 native species by common name                             

 A4 Recording sheet of all 797 native species by scientific name



The following are links for summary cards for our special species:

Scientific name in red means records are still needed. Again click on the scientific name to see the card.


Achillea ptarmica summary card  (Sneezewort)  (uploaded 4th August 24)

Adiantum capillus-veneris summary card  (Maidenhair Fern)    (uploaded 9th June 24)

Alisma plantago-aquatica summary card  ( Common Water Plantain)  (uploaded 4th August 24)


Allium scorodoprasum summary card  (Sand Leek)  (uploaded 9th July 24)


Alnus glutinosa summary card  (Alder)  (uploaded 4th May 24)


Anacamptis morio summary card (Green-winged Orchid)  (uploaded 4th May 24)


Asperula cynanchica summary card (Squinancywort)  (uploaded 6th June 24)

Asplenium adiantum-nigrum summary card (Black Spleenwort)  (uploaded 22nd August 24)

Atroppa belladonna  summary card (Deadly Nightshade)  (uploaded 4th May 24)

Blysmus rufus summary card (Saltmarsh Flat Sedge)  (uploaded 6th June 24)

Botrichium lumariasummary card (Moonwort)  (uploaded 10th May 24)


Bromopsis erecta summary card    (Upright Brome)  (uploaded 31st May 24)


Cardamine impatiens summary card ( Narrow-leaved Bittercress)  (uploaded 4th May 24)


Carex ericetorum summary card 2024  (Early Spring Sedge)  (uploaded 9th June 24)


Carlina vulgaris summary card ( Carline Thistle)  (uploaded 4th May 24)


Catapodium marinum summary card ( Sea Fern Grass)  (uploaded 10th May 24)


Cladium mariscus summary sheet (Saw Sedge)  (uploaded 6th May 24)


Convallaria majalis summary sheet  ( Lily of the Valley)  (uploaded 10th May 24)


Crambe maritimasummary card (Sea Kale)  (uploaded 4th August 24)


Crithmum maritimum summary card (Rock Samphire)  (uploaded 6th May 24)


 Daphne laureola summary card 2024  (Spurge Laurel)  (uploaded 4th May 24)

  Dryopteris submontana summary card  (Rigid Buckler Fern)  (uploaded 9th July 24)

Epipactis atrorubens summary card (Dark Red Helleborine)  (uploaded 9th July 24)

Epipactis helleborine summary card  (Broad-leaved Helleborine)   (uploaded 6th May 24)

Filipendula vulgaris summary card  (Dropwort)   (uploaded 9th June 24)

Gentianella campestris summary card  (Field Gentian(uploaded 6th May 24)

Geranium pratensesummary card   ( Meadow Cranesbill)  (uploaded 9th July 24)

Gymnocarpium robertianum summary card (Limestone Oak Fern) (uploaded 1st June 2024)

Helleborus viridis summary card (Green Hellebore)   (uploaded 6th May 24)

Hippocrepis comosa summary card (Horseshoe Vetch)  (uploaded 10th May 24)


Inula conyzae summary card  (Ploughman's Spikenard)  (uploaded 8th May 24)

Juncus ranarius summary card  ( Frog Rush) (uploaded 7th May 24)

Juniperus communis summary card (Juniper)  (uploaded 6th May 24)

Lemna sp (minor/gibba)summary card  (Common Duckweed)  (uploaded 30th August 24)

Lithospermum officionale summary card (Common Gromwell)  (uploaded 10th May 24)

Melica nutans summary card ( Mountain Mellick)   (uploaded 7th June 24)

Minuartia vernasummary card (Spring Sandwort)  (uploaded 10th May 24)

 Neottia ovata summary sheet  (Common Twayblade) (uploaded 12th May 24)

Odontites verna summary card (Red Bartsia) (uploaded 1st June 2024)

 Oenanthe lachenalii summary card (Parsley Water-dropwort)  (uploaded 21st July 24)

Ophioglossum vulgatum summary card (Adder's Tongue Fern)   (uploaded 31st May 24)


Origanum vulgare summary card (Marjoram)  (uploaded 8th May 24)


Phergopteris connectilis summary card  (Beech Fern)  (uploaded 7th May 24)

 Paris quadrifolia summary  card     (Herb Paris)  (uploaded 4th May 24)

Polygonatum odoratumsummary card  (Angular Solomon's Seal)  (uploaded 6th May 24)

Primula farinosa summary card (Birds-eye Primrose) (uploaded 1st June 2024)

Sanguisorba offionalis summary card (Great Burnet)  (uploaded 7th May 24)

Schoenus nigricans summary card  (Black Bog Rush)  (uploaded 8th May 24)

Sorbus lancastriensis summary card (Morecambe Whitebeam with crib) (uploaded 11 May 2024)

Sorbus torminalis summary card (Wild Service Tree) (uploaded 1st June 2024)

Sparganium erectus summary card (Branched Bur Reed)  (uploaded 4th August 24)

Thalictrum flavum summary card (Common Meadow Rue)(uploaded 20th July 24)

Veronica anagalis-aquatica summary card ( Blue Water Speedwell)   (uploaded 23rd June 24)

  Veronica beccabunga summary card (Brooklime) ( (uploaded 8th May 24)









 Click for our partners' websites at  the National Landscape Partnership or The  Landscape Trust


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