April 2019

 Changing the guard : Allen Hide:  26th April 2019

Several of the avocets have laid eggs. This pair are just changing over guard duties.





Mistletoe seedling : Boundary Copse:  21st April 2019

Hiding among the lichen is a mistletoe seedling. It has sent suckers down into the bark. Will it survive? Is it male or female? We won't know for at least another 3 or 4 years.





Caddis Fly Larva : Arnside:  15th April 2019




 Kingcups : Arnside:  10th April 2019



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Bittern Countryside Community Interest Company | Registered Office:- The Old Station Building, Arnside, LA5 0HG | Email: info@bitterncountrysidecic.org.uk
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