Bittern Countryside Community Interest Company supports the Arnside and Silverdale AONB Partnership 
and the  Landscape Trust

To become a shareholder in the CIC you must purchase a minimum of one £10 share. Shareholders must be members of either the Landscape Trust, the AONB Partnership or other approved conservation, community, heritage or cultural body at the time the shares are issued. 

Each share purchased becomes your property and carries a single vote at meetings.

The more shares you own the more influence you have over how the Company meets its commitments and objectives.

The Company's Directors are appointed by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, with a third of the Directors being elected in any one year.

As a shareholder in a CIC, the company could legally pay you a dividend  - if it makes a profit and the Directors agree to pay a dividend. The amount received is restricted by the CIC Regulator to ensure that the Company acts in a proper and ethical manner towards its "community of interest" and fulfils its social and environmental obligations, rather than acting to provide a financial return for its shareholders. However we have not, as yet, paid any dividend as all our profits go towards our work in the AONB. This is unlikely to change.

If you would like to support the Company's environmental and community objectives, you should contact the Company Secretary or Chairman to discuss the options for you to be involved, either through making a donation, volunteering or becoming a shareholder.


Company Secretary: Kenneth Kitchen     email address

List of Directors

Chairman: Caroline Howard     email address

Finance Director:  Ann Kitchen   email address



Other Directors


David Askew 
Fiona Allan
Malcolm Stevens
Robin Horner

Val Stevens


 Click for our partners' websites at  the National Landscape Partnership or The  Landscape Trust


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Bittern Countryside Community Interest Company | Registered Office:- The Old Station Building, Arnside, LA5 0HG | Email:
Registered in England - Company No: 6363720
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